Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Just finished up the novel that I was writing for NaNoWriMo. It came in at 50,001 words, and had an actual ending. The setting was a science-fantasy one that I had originally developed as a sketch for a possible gaming setting. There is more fleshed out now! Among other things, I discovered the beginnings of the necromantic city-state of Mardras. The details of that city-state changed somewhat to accommodate the specifics of the Terra Ultima setting, but I can always change even those around to move Mardras to whatever setting I like.

Now, I am going to relax for a couple of days.


  1. Wow - in a month? That's a lot of fast awesome there.

    - Ark

    1. Fast and awesome. Not so good, though. ;) Still, the point was to work on certain stylistic points, not to make something that would be worth reading. And it isn't, but it is finished!

  2. Congrats! I, alas, am so full of NaNoWriMo fail this year. :p

  3. Good job! It isn't easy, I know. I might finish mine by the end of December or January.

    1. Ha! It's not that difficult to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. All you have to do is to give up all of your social life and your other hobbies, and get rid of time wasters like television, sleep, and bathing. And meaningful interaction with your loved ones. It doesn't hurt to quit your job, either.

      I exaggerate, but only a little. Keep plugging away! Finishing is worth it.

  4. Congrats. I haven't done NaNoWrMo in a few years. I remember it being a scramble, but old satisfying.

    1. It is pretty much like that, yes. It takes the willingness to just let go and get words on the page. After all, if it's worthwhile, you can always edit and rewrite later to make it good. Just writing down events that happen is the best thing to get it done.

      In a way, it's kinda like gaming: all the talk doesn't beat sitting down at the table and gaming.

  5. Exchange old for oddly in my comment please.
