Friday, June 13, 2014

Quick Random NPCs For D&D-like Games

Found this by searching for "random fantasy
By dawnsio-ar-y-dibyn, licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
Sometimes, you know what sort of NPC you want, what class they should be and so forth, but you don't want to either pick the stats or roll until you finally get a set of stats that is high enough to join the class. There's a method in the DMG, but it isn't really close in terms of normal spread of stat numbers. For those situations, I have come up with the following sets of tables. The assumption is that only characters with appropriate stats will join the class (obviously), and that you don't want to keep rolling sets of stats until you finally get an appropriate set. Most of the charts use d1000, which is rolling three distinctive 10-sided dice and using one for the hundreds place, one for the tens place, and one for the ones place, just like rolling a d%/d100. The higher charts could be replaced by a d20, a d10, or even a d4 roll, but I stuck with d% as the smallest die I'd use here. You could probably round the d1000 tables to d%, but I'm not interested in doing that.

Note that higher leveled characters should probably have slightly higher stats, due to the increased likelihood of survival. Delta discusses the matter here, which gives the following adjustments (do with the information as you will):

2 +3 +2 +1
3-4 +4 +2 +1
5-7 +4 +3 +2
8+ +4 +4 +3

The charts were pretty easy to make, actually, just requiring some time with a calculator and some tables of the properties of 3d6 and 4d6s3 ("4d6, keep the best three") rolls. I just reduced the possibilities to those that were required, and divided the number of results that can result in each number by that value. The fraction, rounded off to the nearest thousandth, provided the width of each result. In a few cases, the rounding resulted in a variation of 1 or 2 points, which I worked into the table as the feeling took me.

The following charts are organized by the required stat (obviously, if the required stat is 3, you would just roll the stat as normal), and by the method used for the character, either 3d6 as normal, or 4d6 discarding the low die (so that the character can be either normally-distributed or on par with the PCs if you use that method). I'll put in a jump cut for your sanity.

Required: 6+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
6 001-048 001-016
7 049-121 017-047
8 122-223 048-095
9 224-344 096-166
10 345-475 167-261
11 476-606 262-377
12 607-727 378-507
13 728-829 508-641
14 830-902 642-766
15 903-951 767-868
16 952-980 769-941
17 981-995 942-983
18 996-000 984-000

Required: 7+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
7 001-076 001-030
8 077-183 031-079
9 184-311 080-151
10 312-449 152-248
11 450-587 249-365
12 588-715 366-498
13 716-822 499-634
14 823-898 635-761
15 899-949 762-865
16 950-980 866-940
17 981-995 941-983
18 996-000 984-000

Required: 9+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
9 001-156 001-078
10 157-325 079-183
11 326-494 184-311
12 495-650 312-455
13 651-781 456-603
14 782-875 604-741
15 876-937 742-854
16 938-975 855-935
17 976-994 936-982
18 995-000 983-000

Required: 10+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
10 001-200 001-114
11 201-400 115-252
12 401-585 253-408
13 586-741 409-569
14 742-852 570-719
15 853-926 720-842
16 927-971 843-930
17 972-993 931-980
18 994-000 981-000

Required: 11+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
11 001-250 001-156
12 251-481 157-333
13 482-675 334-515
14 676-814 516-684
15 815-907 685-822
16 908-963 823-921
17 964-991 922-978
18 992-000 979-000

Required: 12+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
12 001-309 001-209
13 310-568 210-424
14 569-753 425-624
15 754-877 625-788
16 878-951 789-906
17 952-988 907-974
18 989-000 975-000

Required: 13+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
13 001-375 001-272
14 376-643 273-525
15 644-821 526-732
16 822-928 733-881
17 929-982 882-967
18 983-000 968-000

Required: 14+ 3d6 Method (d1000) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
14 001-428 001-348
15 429-714 349-633
16 715-885 634-837
17 886-971 838-954
18 972-000 955-000

Required: 15+ 3d6 Method (d%) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
15 01-50 001-437
16 51-80 438-750
17 81-95 751-930
18 96-00 931-000

Required: 16+ 3d6 Method (d%) 4d6s3 Method (d1000)
16 01-60 001-556
17 61-90 557-876
18 91-00 877-000

Required: 17+ 3d6 Method (d%) 4d6s3 Method (d%)
17 01-75 01-72
18 76-00 73-00

(edited on 6/15/14 to correct typos.)

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